Saturday, February 13, 2010


I rarely recommend that anyone actually watch the films I review here. I mean, the words “bad movies” are in the blog description for a reason. But the subject of our next mega-review will be the first one about which I can unjokingly say, “Don’t watch this movie.” I Spit On Your Grave is bad in the true meaning of the word. So why even review it?

Well, for one reason, long time reader Mr. WAC asked me if I would be willing to try and find some “truth” in one of the most depressing movies he had ever seen. I suppose he wants to feel he didn’t flush 100 minutes of his life down the toilet that is I Spit On Your Grave with nothing to show for it. I can’t make any promises, Mr. WAC, but I’ll do what I can.

Secondly, because I already saw I Spit On Your Grave a couple of times back in my less discerning days, I don’t really have to rewatch it now to talk about it. I doubt if I’d do it otherwise.

And third, I just recently found out that a remake is scheduled to be released this fall, a remake which the director promises has “upped the brutality and length of the tortures and kills” and has “a very voyeuristic quality and gritty realism”. Swell. Maybe by discussing the original I can stop someone from unsuspectingly dropping a few dollars on the new and improved version. It’s worth a try.


PaperSmyth said...

Maybe by discussing the original I can stop someone from unsuspectingly dropping a few dollars on the new and improved version. It’s worth a try.


EegahInc said...

Or foolish. God tends to sort'em out :)

Michelle Obama's Left Nut said...

Can you do me a favor and source the director's quotes above?

EegahInc said...

Here's where I found it: