If you read this blog, then I’m sure you’re already aware of the upcoming Godzilla movie and have already seen this trailer…
Yeah, I’m a little giddy over it ( he says as he glances at the 6 inch tall Godzilla action figure sitting on his desk). If only May wasn’t so far away. Fortunately, thanks to the magic of marketing, we don’t have to wait until then to get a bit of new Godzilla action…
If Madison Avenue keeps that up, I may have to stop fast forwarding through commercials from now on.
I’m sure I’ll be reviewing the new Godzilla for Aleteia, but if for some reason I don’t, you can rest assured I will do so here. Until then, if you’re curious as to what I thought about the original Godzilla (Gojira), you can check out this old post. Hey, you can never get too much Godzilla.
I am not sure sure about this new Godzilla film. The lips are in sync with the talking and the CGI Godzilla looks absolutely nothing like a guy in a monster suit. It just doesn't feel right.
yeah, but on the plus side there probably won't be any little Japanese kids running around in shorts two sizes too small while speaking in squeaky voices, so it's got that going for it.
The original 1950's Gojira film in Japanese was awesomely good. Moody, but good. And Godzilla wasn't seen enough to look like he was in a rubber suit. The movie was less about him and more about his effects. I'm SO glad that we can now get copies of these movies in Japanese. Most of them are a great deal improved.
And don't forget this one. The glasses get me every time.
Yes! YES!!! Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes!
Is it May yet? Are we there yet?
I saw the "sneak peek" trailer before the Hobbit 2 movie and squeed like a fangirl. (Which I am.) I don't know if anyone will go with me, though. My friends who went to the Matthew Broderick version think it's a trap. But for me, hope springs eternal.
Yep, the original Godzilla was something. When my daughter was in middle-school, I played her the scenes where the mother is telling her children to prepare to die and the later one with the children's choir singing the prayer for the dead, and it had her near tears. Then I showed her it was from Godzilla and she was in disbelief.
As for Matthew Broderick Godzilla, Toho itself had the best comment on that:
30 seconds, that's all he lasted.
Hahaaa!!! I hadn't seen that. And Fangirl, I'd go with you, but I have raised (most of) my family right and half of them will be going with me to see the new Godzilla movie. The others will roll their eyes and tune out the pre- and post-movie discussions of plot lines and special effects.
I actually haven't seen the original Godzilla, only some of the sequels. I will have to check it out.
As you can guess from some of the comments, the original Gojira in Japanese is highly recommended. It won Japan's version of the Academy Awards the year it was released. The version cut for America, Godzilla King of the Monsters is still good, but not quite as weighty.
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