Friday, December 17, 2010


Being a bad movie fan with an Internet connection can lead you to some weird places. For instance, trying to pull up information on one of Robert Altman’s worst films, O. C. & Stiggs, led me to track down a couple of old issues of National Lampoon (should have known better) which in turn brought me to this ALMOST appropriate for the season movie poster satire…

1984 01 01

You know, it’s really not that irreverent if you look at it as a parody of Hollywood’s thought process rather than as another lame poke at religion. But I do have to say, putting Keith Richards in the role of “The Damned” seems like a bit of lazy typecasting. He can also play a pirate, after all.

Still, even this bit of silliness can serve as a reminder that, as the Catechism makes clear, “When the Church celebrates the liturgy of Advent each year, she makes present this ancient expectancy of the Messiah, for by sharing in the long preparation for the Savior's first coming, the faithful renew their ardent desire for his second coming.” And while He probably won’t return as a Godzilla sized behemoth (Although, that would be freakin’ cool!), it’s bound to be pretty spectacular. Or will be, as long as we spend a little time this Advent contemplating whether or not we’re ready for it. Better get to it. IT”S COMING SOONER THAN YOU THINK!


newguy40 said...

So... What's not to like, bubalah?
I say we green light it pronto!
Can we get The Deaf Leopard for the sound track?!

EegahInc said...

Sounds like someone has a future in Hollywood!

Wildrow12 said...

Coming this April:

"At the height of his power he was betrayed, tortured, chained up and finally buried under the rubble of a temple. The Philistines thought he was dead.

They should have found stronger chains.

This Easter...Revenge doesn't need a haircut.


Rated R"

(former) Rocket Scientist said...

I loved this! And the commentary is so true. And after all, the things that we love most we can also share with humor.

EegahInc said...

Wildrow12, that is a trailer waiting to happen. Hmmm...

"the things that we love most we can also share with humor..."

I sure hope so, or I'm in BIG trouble :)

Larry Denninger said...

I'm wondering what part the San Diego Chicken has to play in the apocalypse...

Larry Denninger said...

...oh. I just enbiggened the poster and saw that he's cast as the Holy Spirit. I guess as celebrity birds go, it's not against type to put him in as the dove.

Better than one of the penguins of Madagascar, I suppose...

Anonymous said...

Can't get by without someone suggesting the obvious tag line: "Jesus II: This time it's personal."

EegahInc said...

To draw in the protestant crowd, maybe it should be "Jesus II: This time it's your personal Lord and Savior!"