Monday, January 24, 2011


Sorry, I had to take a few days off from blogging to knock out some work so I could slip away and celebrate my wife’s birthday AND head to downtown Atlanta to go for a walk with a few thousand of my new closest pals. Now the Atlanta March For Life draws nowhere near the crowd of places like DC or San Francisco, but there was still an eerie kind of power to be found in thousands of people silently walking through the concrete canyons of the city, the only sounds being the occasional siren, a few helicopter flyovers, and the stray Hail Mary.

Of course, being who I am, on the way down to the march I couldn’t help but call to mind the most recent image of Atlanta which has been on everyone’s mind… that of hordes of zombies shambling through the various Peachtree Streets on AMC’s The Walking Dead.

The knee jerk reaction (especially if one only has the discernment skills of something like, say, an unfunny HBO talk show host) would probably be to compare the marchers to the zombies. But in this instance, the zombies in the above photo are more readily identifiable with a society hell bent on devouring itself. They are a tidal wave of mock-life mindlessly spreading a culture of death. On the other hand, Officer Rick up there, that’s us, trying to survive and protect human life where we find it.

Only, unlike in most zombie stories, there’s more than just a rag tag band of survivors involved in the struggle. At least it sure seemed that way from my viewpoint last Friday afternoon…

2011-01-21 13.21.36

One day, in a more appropriate venue than a silly blog devoted to discussing crappy movies, I’ll have to tell everyone my personal involvement with abortion and why walking in that throng was the very, very least thing I could do. But for now, I’ll just let the Catechism have it's say. “Human life must be respected and protected absolutely from the moment of conception. From the first moment of his existence, a human being must be recognized as having the rights of a person - among which is the inviolable right of every innocent being to life.”

Please take a moment today to pray for our brothers and sisters marching around the country, and for those women (and men) who out of fear and desperation are considering the wrong choice, and especially for those unborn who deserve a chance at the life we ourselves so often take for granted.


And then come back later when things aren’t so serious, cause I’ve still got more crappy movies to discuss than I know what to do with.


(former) Rocket Scientist said...

I'm endlessly fascinated at how you can come up with these wonderful comparisons. And "... cause I’ve still got more crappy movies to discuss than I know what to do with." How blessed we are!

EegahInc said...

"How blessed we are!"

Better wait to see what they are before you start claiming your blessings :)

Arkanabar T'verrick Ilarsadin said...

It is not for nothing that I have previously made comparisons between the Culture of Death and the walking dead.

EegahInc said...

I think I linked to that sometime back, but it was good to read it again. Pretty appropriate.

(former) Rocket Scientist said...

Wow. Arkanabar T'verrick Ilarsadin's comments were great too! You are making us think about connections we don't normally see.

Patrick Button said...

God Bless you for going on the march! Speaking of The Walking Dead, I was watching a few episodes on my iPod while traveling, where else?, to Atlanta.

Patrick Button said...

Another random comment on TWD. I was reading a review of the show on one of those family-friendly Protestant media sites. The reviewer condemned The Walking Dead as too violent, bemoaning the fact that "every zombie has to be graphically shot in the head." My thought is "what else are you supposed to do with zombies?"

EegahInc said...

My 8 year old is a Clone Wars fanatic and just last week one of my wife's closest friends, a very nice protestant lady, told us we shouldn't let him watch it because it's eeeevil! Why? Because it implies that people get killed on it. Whatcha gonna do?