Thursday, January 04, 2018


We poke fun at the Lutherans sometimes because, well, they're Lutherans. However, be that as it may, we have to admit the fine folks over at Lutheran Satire have a way of making a point.

People still know who Axl Rose is, right?

Anyway, since the secular Christmas season now starts at least a week before Halloween, it is pretty easy to get burnt out by the time we're into the actual 12 Days of Christmas. Still, if you stay in the right frame of mind, it can be a meaningful period. As they explain over at Catholic Online...
"So bright is the radiance of the Light which has come at Christmas, so awesome is the mystery we celebrate, that a single day's observance barely initiates us into the meaning of the feast... Each year, then, Christians are given two great feast days plus the full season of Christmastide during which the Church would have us savor the mystery of the Incarnation in all its implications. She wants us to absorb it through study and meditation, to re-live it through her liturgy, and finally to begin to make it a part of our everyday lives--so that the Light of Christ which has been given to us may shine out to all those around us--to our family, our neighborhood, our associates in school or office, and out into the larger communities of national and international life."
So, hang in there for a little while longer, it's worth it.

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