Monday, August 21, 2023


The Long Dark Night Gallery of the Soul #002: For your consideration... a colored pencil study I did of a mosaic, the name and location of which I'm ashamed to say I didn't write down. "None of us is alone in this world; each of us is a vital piece of the great mosaic of humanity as a whole." - Pope John Paul II

Dad Rock Diary: Dead Kennedy's - Frankenchrist (1985) Fans seem to consider this the kinder, gentler Dead Kennedy's, but for the uninitiated, that's probably like receiving a kindler, gentler boot to the face from an angry rioter. Just saying, if you're having one of those days when you're ready to burn the whole military-industrial complex to the ground, this is still an acceptable soundtrack. Laudable Lyrics: People, we know who should know better howl, "America rules, let's go to war!" Business scams are what's worth dying for!

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