Friday, January 05, 2024



Galactic Gigolo (1987) After winning a game show on his home planet, a sentient alien broccoli travels to Earth with the intention of bedding every woman in Prospect, CT. Getting in the way of the vegetable's carnal pursuits are a bumbling gang of wise guys desirous of his shape changing skills, as well as a family of swamp dwelling Jewish rednecks who won't tolerate any extraterrestrial commies putting the moves on Earth women. To a certain subgroup of movie lovers, this probably sounds like the best synopsis ever. Don't be suckered in, though. This not only stars a vegetable, it may have been written by one.

TIL: JPII's Theology of the Body notes that while human sexual urges draw us towards the physical and psychological attributes of a person, their end goal is to draw us towards a person who possesses those attributes — not just the attributes themselves. That means for us humans, sexual urges present us with a choice, to either love the person or just use them temporarily for their attributes like they're some object. Which, obviously, is a big no no.


For my annual read-through (okay, more like listen-through) of Scripture this year, I thought I'd keep a little sketch pad nearby to jot down a quick thought on each day's readings. There's no great art or earth-shattering revelations here, just some weird meanderings I thought I'd share here and there as the days go by.

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