Phantom Town (1999) To come to the aid of their missing parents, a goofy group of teenage siblings must brave an old western ghost town. However, something weird beneath the ground doesn't want them snooping around. Rated PG horror outing is not quite as traumatizing as an 80's kids movie (I mean, what could be?), but it's still gooier than you might expect. Basically Goosebumps without having to pay R.L. Stine royalties.
TIL: According to the Catechism, "The fourth commandment reminds grown children of their responsibilities toward their parents. As much as they can, they must give them material and moral support in old age and in times of illness, loneliness, or distress." I suppose trying to save them from evil supernatural goop qualifies.
I HAVE SOME NOTES: Continuing to fill my notepad with random thoughts on my daily Scripture readings.
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