Monday, October 14, 2024


Divinity (2023) The plot? Let's try. A billionaire peddles his father's serum which grants immortality at the price of sterility, resulting in a hedonistic civilization built around passionless orgies. Two extraterrestrials (angels?) arrive to right things but get caught up in drama with a hooker. Meanwhile, a secret cult of women try to bring back babies. This in your face experimental and purposely cryptic sci-fi saga sits squarely in the "not for everybody" category, but if overtly weird black and white art films inspired by anime is to your tastes, you'll have a blast with this.

TIL: For those who have replaced religion with politics, scientism, or whatever, the film's underlying premise that the natural order of things is to grow old and pass the world to the children when the time comes will likely feel like a slap in the face. It shouldn't, though. As Father Tadeusz Pacholczyk, PhD, Senior Ethicist at The National Catholic Bioethics Center, reminds us, a truly authentic human experience is a combination of longing for the infinite (God) while having to embrace and grow through the limitations inherent in having a finite body. You can't obtain the former by trying to bypass the latter.

I HAVE SOME NOTES: Still scribbling down thoughts on my daily Scripture readings.

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