Friday, October 18, 2024


Watership Down (1987) After their warren is demolished to make way for condominiums, a group of rabbits led by the stalwart Hazel and his soothsaying brother Fiver make their way across the countryside in search of a new sanctuary. Dogs, hawks, men, and even competing bunnies complicate the journey. Full of mythology, politics, and more than it's fair share of violent bloody death, this landmark in childhood traumatization won't be for everyone, but for those with whom it resonates, it will always linger. Bonus emotional ordeal: trying not to choke up when Art Garfunkel's Bright Eyes starts playing.

TIL: Literalists have a rough time with Leviticus 11 where it talks about rabbits chewing their cud because, of course, rabbits do no such thing. Rabbits do, however, chew on their own cecotrope, a type of soft greasy feces that aids in secondary digestion. Given the visual similarity between chewing cud and gnawing on rabbit pellets, not to mention the general grossness of an animal eating its own poop, it's forgivable for the author to have lumped rabbits in with cud chewers to be avoided for sanitary reasons. Besides, with the language barrier inherent in translating the original scripts, who knows if cud is even the exact interpretation.

I HAVE SOME NOTES: Putting pencil to thoughts on my daily Scripture readings.

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