Ghost Story (1981) A stodgy group of wealthy codgers who call themselves the Chowder Society meet regularly to swap scary tales. However, after one of them dies under mysterious circumstances, the rest realize that a shared secret sin long thought buried has arisen and they're now in a ghost story of their own. Mostly classy and nicely atmospheric, but sadly never really rises too far above average. Also, there's a bit of cognitive dissonance in the odd amount of full frontal nudity (male and female) on display in a movie starring elderly icons like Fred Astaire and Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. Not that the oldsters participate, mind you, but still.
TIL: Past sins, even those absolved through confession, have a habit of resurfacing in the mind from time to time. That's natural because the effects of some actions can linger for a long time, maybe not as butt-naked ghosts, but in renewed feelings of remorse and shame. As author Tom Nash notes, "Absolution doesn’t necessarily mean you will automatically be freed from all of the pain and guilt associated with those sins. When that pain and guilt resurfaces again, simply pray to God that you renew your sorrow for these sins, thank him for his forgiveness, and ask his continued help in your moving forward in the right direction."
I HAVE SOME NOTES: Still a couple of weeks left to share sketchy sketches based on my daily Scripture readings.
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