Young Sherlock Holmes (1985) In a bit of a retcon, an adolescent Holmes and Watson meet for the first time while attending a posh boarding school. Along with Holmes' teenaged love Elizabeth, the new pals look into a mystery involving an Egyptian death cult. With the involvement of Stephen Spielberg, Chris Columbus, and Barry Levinson this should have been an instant 80's classic but, alas, it doesn't quite click, feeling more like a young Indiana Jones adventure rather than one more suited for Conan Doyle's detective. Still, it's breezy fun and earns its cult status with the inclusion of the first ever full CGI character put to screen.
TIL: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle attended three Jesuit run schools but grew to loathe the strictness of his teachers. However, as author John Dougherty notes, "Despite Doyle’s antipathy toward the Jesuits, you can find echoes of the Ignatian worldview in Holmes’ methods. For Holmes, careful observation of mundane details can reveal their deeper meanings... marks in the dust or the absence of a barking dog can serve as critical clues for solving a mystery. For us, a chance encounter with a friend, our emotional reaction to a song, or even a detour on our morning commute can reveal themselves as hints to God’s presence."
I HAVE SOME NOTES: For better or worse, still keeping a notepad next to me during my daily Scripture readings.
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