Wednesday, November 27, 2019


The Mangler (1995) Anytime Stephen King gets snooty, remember he wrote the short story about a killer laundry folding machine this is based on. TIL: Among other things, the document Redemptionis Sacramentum details the proper way to care for the linens used during Communion.

Still Voices - The Wolf Man (1941) "If you can but give to the fainting soul at your door a cup of water from the wells of truth, it shall flash back on you the radiance of God." - Moncure D. Conway

Dad Rock Daily: New York Dolls - New York Dolls (1973) Not sure what you get if you put lipstick on a pig, but put it on the Rolling Stones and you get a darn good rock album. Laudable Lyrics: What's wrong today is what's wrong with you.

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