Saturday, September 24, 2022


Get to Know Your Rabbit (1972) Tom Smothers abandons corporate lunacy for tap dancing and magic. Kind of DePalma's weird meandering middle-aged version of The Graduate. TIL: Bro. John Hamman, the magical Marianist, created more than 100 card magic tricks, many still used today.

One Sheet Words of Wisdom: Get to Know Your Rabbit (1972) "The magician and the politician have much in common: they both have to draw our attention away from what they are really doing." - Ben Okri

Now Showing at a Blog Near You: A few days back I shared Deacon SDG's notes on the positives of Amazon's Rings of Power. For balance, here's Darwin Catholic doing a fair job of summing up a lot of the show's negatives.

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