The Boneyard (1991) Oddball assortment of comedic character actors the likes of Norman Fell and Phyllis Diller find themselves trapped in a morgue with evil zombie children and a giant mutant poodle named Floofsums. Kind of a were-poodle, really. In reverse, though, since it starts off as a dog. Whatever, it's fun, as is most of the rest of the film once you get past the slog of the first fifteen minutes or so.
TIL: Though the Church insists that the ultimate resting place of human remains be in a sacred space (not on a shelf or anything), the Catechism notes that prior to burial or cremation, autopsies can be morally permitted for legal inquests or scientific research, and organ donation is considered legitimate and meritorious.
I HAVE SOME NOTES: More memo pad musings on my daily Scripture readings.
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