Friday, May 24, 2024


THE LONG DARK NIGHT GALLERY OF THE SOUL: GOT YOU COVERED - Sometimes, when I'm in need of inspiration for my sketchbook, I need look no further than the shelves full of old sci-fi paperbacks I have. Here's my riff on a couple of covers that caught my eye. Sadly, the books do not list the original artists I stole... er, um, took inspiration from. 

Pondering the question of why so many successful sci-fi authors have been Catholic (active or lapsed), Br. Guy Consolmagno, the director of the Vatican Observatory, noted, "The Catholic understanding of a flawed humanity means we expect characters who can be loved even as they make mistakes and do wrong... In addition, no small advantage is that as a Catholic you already have a pretty sophisticated idea of what triumph and failure actually looks like. Saving the universe (that invidious habit) is pointless if you don’t know what a saved universe looks like, much less precisely what it is in the universe that is worthy of salvation."

I HAVE SOME NOTES: Sharing more quick thoughts on my daily Scripture readings.

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