Sunday, May 05, 2024


Satanic Attraction (1989) Radio DJ hosts a proto-podcast in which she tells tall tales of a satanic serial killer, only to discover that each of her fictional crimes comes true as she broadcasts them. A fairly interesting premise undone by weird editing and nonsensical plot points. Of special note, though, is the dubbing, which is so wooden and emotionless that I'm pretty sure they hired somnambulists to read the script and kept the first take every single time.

TIL: One of the more difficult teachings of the Church is to avoid sin, not because we want to evade punishment or just to follow the rules, but because we truly love what is good and pleasing to God and despise what is wrong. Unfortunately, many of us still have an attachment or (satanic?) attraction to certain sins, often against our will. This is what St. Paul was referring to when he talked about warring against the flesh.

I HAVE SOME NOTES: Jotting down more things that crossed my mind during my daily Scripture readings.

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