Friday, August 16, 2024


Upon its release in August 1986, Cronenberg's remake of The Fly caused a buzz amongst unprepared moviegoers. This tale of a scientist whose experiments in teleportation result in his being merged on the cellular level with a housefly is the first film I ever saw that caused someone who wasn't drunk to race from the auditorium to vomit. And yet, despite some of the repulsive visuals on display, it's nuanced acting and ruminations on being helpless as something cancerous eats away at your body actually result in something kind of... well, beautiful.

TIL: A 2012 study of cancer survivors published in the Journal of Behavioral Medicine noted that more than two-thirds said their faith helped them through the experience. The flip side is that a 2015 study published in Psycho-Oncology showed those who experienced a sickness-caused religious struggle appeared to have an increased risk of death compared to patients who didn't. So, while faith is no get-out-of-death free card, it has proven to be beneficial when facing its horrors.

I HAVE SOME NOTES: Just jotting down more thoughts on my daily Scripture readings.

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