Wednesday, August 21, 2024


A Nightmare on Elm Street 4: The Dream Master divided Freddy fans forever. On one side were those who grokked with Renny Harlin's MTV-ification of the razor-clawed child killer, appreciating the increasingly imaginative set pieces and stylized visuals. On the other were those for whom Kreuger's final transformation into a delivery mechanism for hammy one-liners was a sure sign the franchise had jumped the shark (almost literally given the scene where Freddy's finger knives form a fin slashing through the ocean). Which side you fall on may be determined by whether or not you can get past the fact that Freddy is resurrected this time around by a dog peeing fire on his grave.

TIL: The book of Sirach (unwisely removed from the Bible by Luther) warns, "Divination, omens, and dreams are unreal;  what you already expect, the mind fantasizes. Unless they are specially sent by the Most High, do not fix your heart on them. For dreams have led many astray,  and those who put their hope in them have perished." The key here is that if God sends a dream, He'll unambiguously let you know it's from Him. Otherwise, no matter how long disturbing dreams may linger after waking, it's best to shake them off and move on.

I HAVE SOME NOTES: More rambling reflections on my daily Scripture readings.

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