Sunday, April 03, 2016


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Rocket Scientist said...

Before Mass today my husband texted "Today is Hunchback Sunday."

Xena Catolica said...

I think the "lac" indicates that 'nourishment' is only coming from one of its parents ;) The psalter has us reciting regularly a nursing baby as an image of spiritual fulfillment.

EegahInc said...

As my high school Latin is a few decades old and covered in rust, I will defer to your superior interpretive skills. I guess father's milk doesn't make a lot of sense, does it :)

Xena Catolica said...

Not that rusty. The word you're thinking of as nourishment or baby food is pabulum (also what sheep eat), which gives us the English pablum.

Father's milk made me think of Strax on this topic, one of the funniest lines of "Doctor Who" Ever.

We're loving The Twilight Zone series. Thanks! I showed the kids "Terror at 20,000 Feet" over the weekend.

EegahInc said...

I know the writers give us human companions to act as our surrogates and I suppose even too much Strax could be a bad thing, but I really wouldn't mind him hanging around the Tardis a lot more.

Larry Denninger said...

Oh that was good!