Friday, June 05, 2020


Fist of the North Star (1995) Legends fight as prophesied. Try-hard anime adaptation doesn't quite succeed, but might work if you're in the mood for bonkers. TIL: Private revelations (prophecies) recognized by the Church are not considered infallible, just probable.

Tinseltown Testaments: Fury (2014) "Do I think Jesus loves Hitler? I'd assume so. If Hitler accepted Jesus into his heart and got baptized, he'd be saved. Ain't gonna save him from Man's justice.”

Dad Rock Diary: Eire Apparent - Sunrise (1969) Shepherded by Hendrix at the board, the last remnant of The People produce some perfectly fine psych-rock. Laudable Lyrics: Mr Guy Fawkes and his tricks again. London Bridge is looking well today, but not tomorrow.

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