Friday, July 26, 2024



In 1980 duffers finally got their due as Caddyshack arrived in theaters. Critics didn't take kindly to this tale of slobs versus snobs at a posh country club, but Gen X sure did. Any man who came of age in the 80's who can't quote this film verbatim at will deserves any shame heaped upon him. Animal House may have ushered in the attitude, but it was Caddyshack that gave slackers their battle cry of "Why don't you just let me be!"

TIL: With his quip about how it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God, Jesus warned about avoiding the temptation to turn the acquisition of wealth into an idol. Perhaps that's why in Caddyshack the only two rich people who aren't villains are one millionaire who doesn't even bother to cash his checks and another who freely tosses out cash to every blue collar worker he meets.

in 1983 Jaws 3-D breached movie screens everywhere. One has to question why Sea World thought a story about a massive great white shark wrecking their park and gobbling up their staff would be good publicity, but here it is. Maybe they got a sneak preview of the insanely bad 3-D effects and ludicrous script and thought it was a comedy? Whatever, the larger mystery is how  this isn't even the worst film in the franchise. Dear Lord, how is it even possible this isn't the worst? How!?!

TIL: The General Directory for Catechesis says faith formation should focus on three dimensions: (1) Being: ensuring the catechist is a mature, emotionally balanced witness to the faith, (2) Knowing: ensuring the catechist actually knows what they're teaching, and (3) Doing: ensuring the catechist has the skills to communicate what they know. Actually, those are pretty good guidelines for any kind of teacher.

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