Sunday, January 06, 2019


Maniac Cop

Maniac Cop (1988) Serial killing boy in blue terrorizes NYC. Could easily coast on names like Lustig, Cohen, Campbell, Atkins, & Roundtree, but really delivers the goods. TIL: Authority, even the cop kind, is only morally legitimate when it is based on respect for human dignity.

Dumb and Dumber (1994)

Still Voices - Dumb and Dumber (1994) "The whole of the Christian life consists in remembering the suffering and need of the annoying other." - Bishop Robert Barron

Frank Sinatra - In The Wee Small Hours

Dad Rock Daily: Frank Sinatra - In The Wee Small Hours (1955) Not one song over 3 1/2 minutes long; just little concentrated doses of melancholy administered through pinpoint perfect phrasing. Laudable Lyrics: Blow ill wind, blow away, let me rest today.

Now Showing Marquee 3

While performing one of my many oddball searches on the Internet, I happened to run across an article by John Henry at Medium in which he pits John Milius’ Conan the Barbarian against Nietzsche. Guess who wins.

newsreel 04

And finally, a bit of news for Mr. & Mrs. Catholic, and all you other Christians at sea. According to this article in The Star, thousands of Orthodox Christian worshippers jump into the river every Epiphany to nab crucifixes tossed in by priests during ceremonies commemorating the baptism of Jesus Christ. “Tradition holds that the person who retrieves the wooden cross will be freed from evil spirits and will be healthy throughout the year.” As to whether this works or not, only God knows. As for us here at the Newsreel, we just appreciate when Christianity is a little bit weird, as it should be. And on that note, we’ll leave you, as always, with the immortal words of the great Les Nessman. Good evening, and may the good news be yours.

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