Monday, May 13, 2019


Mother's Day (1980) Maniacal mom raises inbred idiot sons to kidnap, rape, and kill. Often listed as a comedy. It isn't. TIL: Guess she missed the part in the Catechism that says families should live in such a way that its members learn to care and take responsibility for others.

Still Voices - Psycho (1960) "A wise son gives his father joy, but a fool despises his mother." - Proverbs 15:20

Dad Rock Daily: The Mothers of Invention - Freak Out! (1966) All that makes Zappa 'Zappa' is right here at the start, but surprisingly clean enough to sell in the back of comic books. Laudable Lyrics: You're probably wondering why I'm here, and so am I, so am I.

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